Oh sweet sleep, where have you gone? I love you my dear friend....... please, come visit me again sooooon!! :)
Well, Bree baby has not been sleeping that great for quite a while now. Not that I am complaining about her; she is the Best!! No doubt about that! I just wish we could consistently sleep at least 7 straight hours at night. That's just the thing, her night time sleeping patterns are so inconsistent! I can't put my finger on what is going on? I've tried to pay attention to every little change in everything from eating habits, nap times throughout the day, to possible teething??? I just have no idea! I'm stumped. I think she slept better..... consistently better at 8 weeks than she does now. I'm so confused. Does this just happen when you introduce solids & are waiting on those stinkin' teeth to pop through??
Anyway, I think i have slept only 6 straight hours maybe 4 0r 5 nights since Bree was born. Mostly in the beginning, when Bree would sleep that long...... I would just wake up in a panic. Now, it just seems like she wakes up in the middle of the night, happy & ready to play & eat.
Any ideas??? Please? I'm going to increase her baby food some more tonight.... maybe that will help her sleep a little longer through the night?
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