Sorry, I know I need to get better at posting more often. I often think of things I want to write or post, but then I just don't seem to make the time. Plus, I'm still learning about this whole blogging thing. When ever I have a moment lately.... I just want to take a nap with Bree.
Anyway, here is this past week in review....
Bree, my mom, and I went to visit with my grandma again last Wed. My mom & I stopped to get lunch right before we saw my grandmother. Then one of the most embarrassing things happened to me. It has never happened to me before...... but definitely made me re-think trying to squeeze my butt into my pre-pregnancy clothes! I bent down to put Bree back in her car seat so we could leave the restaurant.... and my pants ripped! And I'm not just talking a little discrete hole..... I'm talking like 2 feet of rippage! I have no idea what happened! I was wearing these Capri pants that are made out of parachute type material..... and in an instant.... my whole backside was exposed! AHH! Luckily.... my mom & I were the only ones left in the restaurant as they were getting ready to close. So, I had to wrap Bree's baby blanket around my poor little exposed booty.... and high tail it to a local Ross for some new pants. I got a few peculiar looks in Ross with my stylish baby blanket... but I did manage to find some new pants! Here is a sad little picture of my pants after their malfunction.....
Our visit with my grandma went pretty well. She definately knew we were there this time, and she really focused in & watched Bree.
Next, Nick & I also both got our eyes checked & new glasses........ pictures of them soon.
Then last thursday I had to have some test run at the doctors.... no fun.
Also, this last weekend Nick, Bree, and I went over to his parents house to hang out with his family one last time at their Southlake home. Nick's parents are moving to St. Louis. Nick's Dad accepted a new job there this past January, and has been traveling back & forth every weekend since the first of the year. They have had a hard time selling their home in Southlake, and have finally agreed to rent it out. So, they will be moving at the end of the month.
Nick's little brother Matt & his wife Morgan were also in town for the weekend. They live in Lubbock right now while Matt finished up his last year in Law school. (Matt is also in the top 10% of his class....... YAY Matt!) :-) Anyway, it was the last time the whole group would be hanging out in the house Nick pretty much grew up in. So sad. Here are a couple pictures from the weekend.....
Bree with Grandpa Sapp...... 
Bree & Aunt Morgan......
Then my sister-in-law Morgan, her Momma, and her nephew Jackson came out & visited with Bree & I on Tuesday. I should have gotten some pictures, but I forgot.
Yesterday, I took Bree over to meet one of my mom's best friends, Ann. Unfortuately, Ann lost a very close friend yesterday. Hopefully some kisses from my sweet little Aubrey helped some of the hurt.
Here is Ann & Bree....
Then it was off to get Bailey dog some treatments to help with his crazy allergies.
Here are some other random photos of our last week.......
Uncle Matt & Bree......Trying out some bows......
All tired out from trying to sit in her big girl chair (really Nick just proped her up in it.... but she did a good job) ;-) ......
Waking up from a nap in her own big girl bed.........
Anyway..... that was pretty much our last week. Next, monday is Bree's 2 month doc.'s appointment & I'm totally dreading it!!!!!!!! She is suppose to get shots, and I just don't know how I feel about it. Any thoughts, beliefs, or suggestions?? I want to protect her. The end. But I am so confused. What if I get the shots for her.... & the shots end up hurting her (mercury...etc.)? But then what if I don't get the shots & she ends up catching something I could have prevented her from getting with the shots? Oh..... I'm soooo confused.
Lastly, I use to be really good at sending out cards.... but lately I have been really terrible about getting cards in the mail. A bunch of my friends have August birthdays & I just wanted to let you all know I love you! I hope you ladies had wonderful birthdays.... Katy(the 8th), Jennifer (10th) Michelle(the 12th), Jenni (the 13th)!
1 comment:
Take infant's tylenol with you to the appt so after they weigh her they can tell you how much to give her and give it to her then. It's liquid so it gets in their system quick. Don't go alone. I can't believe she has her 2 mth appt already. Seriously, these children need to slow down on the whole growing up thing!! XOOXO
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