Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2 Month Doctor Visit.....

Well, Aubrey had her 2 month doctor visit yesterday, and my goodness she has grown!!! At her 1 month visit she was 8Lbs 15 oz. & 21 inches long. Now, she is 12 Lbs. 3 oz. & is 24 inches long! She grew 3 inches & gained nearly 3 1/2 Lbs!! WOW!! The doctor said "well..... some Momma's make skim milk & some make cream....... you must be making some cream girl!" Haha!! Too funny! She said our little Bree looks really healthy & is doing great! YAY!! :-)

That means that Bree is currently in the 84th percentile for her weight & 95th percentile for her height Vs. the the 40th & 42nd percentile she was in just last month. I know their stats can change a bunch from month to month...... But wow!! I was surprised for sure! I thought that car seat was feeling heavier & heavier! She got down to 6 Lbs. 6 oz. right after she was born & we had to supliment some formula a couple of times that first week. Now she has close to doubled that weight in just 2 months! My goodness! Yay healthy baby!! :-)

Now on to vaccines........

Many of you know that I have been dreading this doctor's appointment for quite sometime. I have been sooo torn on what to do with shots for Bree. Of course, I don't want anyone to stick my baby with a needle & make her cry, but that wasn't really what I was dreading. It was more the thought..."am I doing the right thing?" All I want to do is protect my baby & there is just so much conflicting information out there regarding immunizations. Let's face it, there are about a million more shots they give babies now compared to 3o years ago. In fact, in the 70's & 80's there were typically 8 shots that babies had by the time they were 2 years old............ Now there are up to 32 shots babies get by the age of 2! Are you kidding me??? That is just ridiculous! Are babies really any healthier now than 3o years ago? No, I don't think so. No wonder all these babies are getting mercury poisoning.... which many link to the rising number of children diagnosed with Autism. Mercury is put in vaccinations as a preservative. Then, you add in all the flu shots & other crap that many recommend..... it is just insane.

Nick & I have talked a bunch about how many vaccines we really want Bree to have, and we have both agreed..... very minimal. So, yesterday I had a heart to heart with our pediatrician about my concerns. Luckily, I had really searched & interviewed to find a more alternative pediatrician when I was pregnant. I really didn't want our daughter to have a doctor that wouldn't push meds & shots all the time. Our doctor mainly does a modified immunization schedule on most of her kiddos, but she is willing to work with all parents based on what they would like to do. She told me all the pro's & con's for the 2 month shots..... which didn't really convince me either way. So, we didn't end up doing any shots yesterday. She knew I had this big knot in my stomach about these shots, and suggested we wait a little longer to do shots. She told me to continue to read up about everything she had shared with me. So, that is just what we have decided to do. Nick & I are going to go over everything & all the information we have gathered & then make our decision. I'm not saying we aren't going to do shots at all, but we will just have to see. We might end up doing a more modified schedule or even wait until she is 4 or 6 months old to start them. That is also something the pediatrician recommended doing...... because that would reduce the total number of childhood vaccinations Bree would have to ingest in her little body. We'll see.

I'll continue to post any new info. I find on the subject. I think it is so important to question & learn. I think Doctors are here to helps us ... that's for sure..... but they definitely don't know it all. I mean, look at those stupid HPV vaccinations they started making girls ages 10-13 years old get...... they already have all these problems. The "required" vaccine has been out what... 3-5 years & has now been linked to all these deaths & cases of prolonged paralysis. I just sometimes think that we are ginnie pigs for the drug companies or something. Please don't get me wrong.... I know there are many vaccines out there that have saved many many lives, but it never hurts to read the fine print.

1 comment:

Andréa said...

I am with you on the shots, however, the "Mercury" they put in shots has been taken out. According to my peditrician (whom I also had a heart to heart with) said that because of the risk, they took it out. I was so nervous as well, but after a long talk, I realized Whooping Cough, Measles and Mumps are still going around. Sickness is a scary thing, especially when it is something life threatening, so we opted for the shots.

What my ped told us, was to make sure everything I read was accurate, not just what people thought. I hope this helps and whatever you decide I am sure will be best for BRee!