Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thirteen Thursday

Thirteen Thursday

Here are 13 favorites of Aubrey's :)

1. Smiles (Both smiling at her.... and her smiling back..... AND Especially smiling while sleeping... SOO Cute) :)

2. Kisses (She likes to open her mouth when you give her kisses..... I think she is trying to kiss back... but can't quite figure it out yet)

3. Toys! (Especially ones that dangle down from things, make noise, or play music)

4. Mommy (Especially when I'm walking around making up silly songs because I don't remember all the word to the old school kid songs...... Silly Mommy)

5. Daddy (Especially when he snuggles me up & talks to me)

6. Bath time!!! (Such a happy baby in the water!!)

7. Night Night clothes! (They are the best.... and we are kind of picky... we like the footed kind that button down with no collar.... Oh, happy night night times)

8. FAMILY.......Grandparents & My Great- Grandma & My Aunts & Uncles (They love me to pieces!!)

9. Talking (Both being talked to & talking back!) :)

10. Music of all kinds!

11. Swaddling (Oh, baby burrito moments are the best..... other wise I wake myself up because I move ALL THE TIME!! ) ;-)

12. Friends, Friends, Friends!

13. Pacifiers (Don't know what life would be like without them)


The Coolest Aunt said...

What a cutie! : ) It's so nice to be able to see all these pictures of her since I don't get to see her more often...

Andréa said...

OK... didn't you just have her?? :D I can't believe she is so active already. I think B was a blog for about 4 months. Now, however, he is MR personality!