Monday, August 04, 2008

Before I was a Mommy.....

Lately, Bree has started smiling at me some! Up until now, I only saw her precious little smile when she was sleepy or gassy or something, but now it is REALLY at ME! Oh, I can't even explain what that beautiful little smile does to me. It's like her whole heart lights up when she is smiling, and half of me wants to just start bawling & the other half wants to roll on the floor laughing! Before I was a Mommy, I never ever knew how much a smile could change my world! It's like some sort of Mommy high.... I dunno? :-)

I haven't gotten a picture of the exact smile I'm talking about, but I'm working on it!

We have also started a little bit of a night night routine (or trying to at least). I feed Bree about 9:30-10pm, then we have bath time (most nights)..... which she LOVES, the we get her night night clothes on (soft, cozy footed pj's).... which she also LOVES, Daddy trys to steal her before she crashes, then it's on to swaddling (my baby burrito), then it's sleepy time (usually until about 3:30-4am). Here are some of our night time routine pictures......

Right after bath time...

Snuggly PJ's....Daddy/ baby stealer ;-)Baby burrito....Dream time.....


The Coolest Aunt said...

I can't believe how much bigger she has gotten in this short time! I still see a lot of Nick in her though... : ) I can't wait to see her again this weekend. It's crazy how much she changes and grows in so little time!

Andréa said...

So cute! I seriously can't believe she has a glow worm. I used to LOVE that thing. I should buy Mr Man one.

Jenni said...

This is so my life too.
Too funny.
Love the so well.
Looking forward to catching up.
Love you.