Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Slow me down Lord.........

.....Slow Me Down, Lord ......Slow me down, Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give me, amidst the confusion of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the music of the singing streams that live in my memory.Help me to know the magic restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations ... of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book.Remind me each day of the fable of the Hare and the Tortoise that I mayknow that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to lifethan increasing speed. Let me look forward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny. Amen. By... Wilfred A. Peterson


I wish endings weren’t so heart breaking.

I wish beginnings weren’t so frightening.

I wish truth was easy to come by.

I wish loving somebody didn’t come with the possibility of loss & devastation.

I wish smiling didn’t hurt so much lately.

I wish I could see the bigger picture.

I wish aching didn’t over power me every time the numbness wears off.

I wish every song, movie, street, smell, joke, tear, night, didn’t remind me.

I wish this were all just a nightmare.

I wish life were simple.

I wish my heart wasn’t so innocent.

I wish I never believed.

I wish tomorrow begins with hope.

I wish that wishing made things so.

I wish Bree never ever feels an ounce of heartbreak.

I wish her life gives truth to the fairy tales.

I wish I could understand why.

I wish …………….

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

14 Months Old!!

Bree, happy 14 month birthday, my little love!! I know I say this with every post, and I will probably continue to say it the rest of my life, but time goes so very very quickly!

You are such a little toddler now! You have the biggest heart, the most determined little mind, and the most glorious laugh & sense of humor. You my star, are my purpose, my drive, my direction, my reason, my reminder of God's love, my angel, my answered prayer, and my serenity. I love you with all of my being.
What's happening these days:
-You are teething .......again! (you have 6 teeth now & are working on some more)

- You point to everything now, and want to know what it is. Your new favorites are airplanes (my mom lives close to the McKinney airport..... so we see quite a few), wind chimes, birds, of course the dogs (all 5 of them), and trees.

- You love going to the pool, my little water baby. You have really enjoyed going to the Beach Club & playing in the sand too. (and you hardly ever try to eat the sand...... you just enjoy playing with it!)

- You regularly get your very own kids meals at restaurants whenever we go out or pick something up. (I can't believe I'm already ordering kids meals for you!!! But you love to be such a big girl!)
- You still take 2 bottles, 1 in the morning & 1 before bedtime.
- You love to be outside!
- You've got the beat!! Hahaha! You love to dance & bop your head to music. It always makes you (and me) smile!
- You have started spending your Saturday's with your Daddy. Last weekend was your first official Saturday with Daddy, even your Grandma Sue was in town to see you.

- You also now wave & say bye bye, clap your hands for yourself when you are proud of something or for the doggies, you do sign language for "more", and you can "give me five" too. (Which you then clap for yourself after you give me five........... and it is tooooo cute!!)
- Pacifiers are still one of the big loves of your life, but we are working on just having them at nap time & bedtime...... well & in the car too. (Guess we need to work a bit more on this one)
- Your hair is now so white now. After being at the pool so much lately, your hair is so light with just a little curl still in the back.
- You love to carry around your very own "purse" (which is basically any small thing that has a strap that you can put on your arm). It's very girly & cute.
- You had your first, second, third...... meal of spaghetti & love it! - You also attended your first Baseball game with your best boy friend, Austin.

At the beach with your BFF's

Girly, girl!
Pop-cicles taste so good & feel so good on teething gums!

Baseball time with Austin

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Better in Time"

A bit cheesy, I know, but I can't seem to get this song out of my heart today.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer = Watermelon Fun! :)

Every day I have been trying to think of something fun & silly for Bree & I to do. It is a rough time in our lives, and I only want Bree to feel goodness & love around her, instead of sadness. So, one of the "adventures" we have had is........... enjoying Bree's first watermelon. About a week and a half ago, my mom & brother helped me cut up Aubrey's first watermelon. We all headed out to my mom's patio (me, Bree, my mom, brother, and 5 dogs.......... yes I said 5 dogs). Uncle Matt was in charge of the cutting, mom & I were in charge of the pictures & handing out of the yumminess, and Bree and the doggies were in charge of the the eating! :) It was so cute & fun! Luckily, Bree's bath was already waiting for her once she ate and squished the last of the watermelon. :)
Here are some of the 124 pictures I took:

Aubrey's first bite............. Yummmmmmy!! :)

Always sharing with her doggies..........
Her very own container to eat & squish...... :)

Uncle Matt's dog Bella..... lovin' her some melon!

It might be upside down.... but it's still sooo good!

Splashing in watermelon juice is good too!

Thank you Uncle Matt for sharing your piece with me.

Rudy wanted his very own piece too. :)

And warm bath........ here we come!! :)

Sunday, August 09, 2009


When will the lies quit unfolding?
When will the heaving of my chest stop it's contracting?
When will the ache in my bones leave my body?
When will I wake up in the morning with breath in my lungs, instead of tears in my eyes?
When will I look in the mirror and trust that I am enough, even though he thought not?
When will I breathe again without a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat?
When will I trust ever again?
When will crackling storm of his lies and betrayals lull to a simple humming?
When can I trust my heart again?
When will God lift us up from this pain?
When will hope return to my being?
When O when will I be loved?