Mommy just can not believe that you are nearly 1 year old! It is so difficult for me to believe that this time last YEAR, I was running around trying to prepare everything for your most anticipated arrival. Although, you weren't due until July 4th, I turned into the most hyperactive "nester" at the beginning of June. I guess it was a good thing, my love, because you were 15 days early!
Sweet girl, every day you grow & change..... and simply amaze me. Someone once told me that I, as your mother, am here to protect & provide for you, and that you were here to teach me. I believe that is true. You teach me..... you teach us all...... what can not be written in a book, learned in a class room, or measured by any testing. You teach me unconditional, unrelenting, forever growing love. You remind me of the simple glory and utter excitement in the smallest of life's daily happenings. I see the wonderment in your eyes when you clap for yourself, when you lose yourself in laughter at the doggies being silly, and when you taste & see things for the first time. You, my littlest teacher, are God's most glorious work, and Mommy & Daddy's most treasured blessing.
I love you my baby girl.... to the stars, moon, and back again.
You have learned SOOO MUCH this past month. I almost feel badly that I didn't make a separate post for each of the new things you have done. :( Here is what you are doing these days:
- Saying Mommmma Mommma Momma so much now!!! (I love it..... even when you are screaming it! Haha)
- You have also said what seems like Dadda a few times too!
- You have turned into a super star crawler. And by that I mean, you are fast as lightening!!
- You still love to walk with mommy holding your hands, or by holding on to anything around you.
- You continue to take 1-3 steps alone every once in a while.
- Lately, you are getting more brave & are letting go of things & just standing on your own. You have even stood up all by yourself & then stood there and clapped for yourself.
-OH, and you learned to clap this month! It is soo cute! You even seem to know when to clap!!
- You still take a bath every night with mommy, and unfortunately you are still not sleeping through the night most nights.
-Mommy has gotten into the worst habbit of actually just sleeping with you in the guest room. So, mommy & daddy are researching video monitors..... in the hopes of getting you back to your own little bed.
- You love your doggies, and often give them open mouth kisses. (Mommy trys not to imagine the germ factor!) They love you too, and always want to kiss you or check on you....... and they especially love sitting close to you when your in your high chair eatting! ;-)
- You are still very much a pacifier baby! You LOVE your pacifiers, but Mommy is gradually trying to only let you have time when you are upset or going to sleep.
- Your hair is really starting to come in now, and it is just beautiful! There are some days that I see hints of strawberry blonde and other days you just look really blonde. You also have a bunch of curls poping up in the back. SO, so cute!!
- You have started getting a little ........hmmmm, let's say firey. Somedays, I definately think we have already hit toddler hood! Let's just say, at this point anytime Mommy says "OUCH," you laugh at me. :(
- You got your final big girl car seat this month, and you are so much more comfortable. I look back at you sometimes, & you are just streched out & passed out!
- You share anything you have. You share your toys with others, your pacifer with mommy, and your food with the doggies. You really do have a giving heart!
Here are some pictures of you at your 11 month Photo Shoot:
I love reading your posts!! Even though I don't always have a gift Allison! A very special gift of writing....sometimes I get so emotional, I have to stop reading for a moment.
We have had a very long relationship with pacifiers and I must say it is a bittersweet day when you decide to tell them goodbye. Hold on to that precious, little girl....she is SO beautiful! I love you and I miss you and I want to tell you what an amazing job you are doing!
I know this next month will be extremely emotional for you, but you WIll get through it and the day after her birthday you will just breath out a very long sigh and embrace your little one year old!
Look at those curls!!! How fun is that! She is so beautiful Allie and I just can't believe she will be one this next month! I had horrible anxiety the month before Grace turned one so please call me if you need to vent, but the day came and went and then I was ok with having a one year old, ha look now she is 2 and 1/2 on Saturday....AHHHH! Can we pleeeeaaaasssseee get together soon!?!
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