Friday, October 10, 2008

Grandma Sapp Visit

For the past several days, Bree has gotten to catch up on some time with her Grandma Sapp. Nick's parents moved to St. Louis about 6 weeks ago. So, Sue was able to make a little trip down to see her favorite (okay... only) grand-daughter. ;-) Our little Bree is just growing so quickly, I'm sure she had changed so much since the last time Sue saw her.

Anyway, we had a fun week. We did a little shopping & went to lunch one day.

Then yesterday we met my mom for a late breakfast & went to the movies! The Angelica theater (a movie theater close by) has something called a "cry baby matinee". Twice a week the theater offers a movie where babies are welcome! It's very cool. Not many babies were there, but all went well. I believe they show a new movie each week....... so, we might be headed back there soon! Any other Mamma's out there needing a movie break...... let me know & we could go together! I think there "cry baby" movies are on Thursday & Saturday at 1:15pm. Bree did really well too. Here are a few pictures........

Nick has still been dealing with huge projects & deadlines this week. I think the earliest he made it home was about 7:30pm the first night his mom was here. The rest of the week he hasn't made it home until at least 11pm. I know he is just beat. Here he is snuggling up his baby girl after a l-o-n-g day!


also.......CONGRATULATIONS Uncle Matt Sapp!!!!

Matt graduates from Law school in May, and has now been offered a job in Houston!! Yay!! We are soooo happy for our Uncle Matt & Aunt Morgan!! But....hopefully they will be able to head back to the Dallas area in the next few years!! ;-)

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