Nick took this week off from work to study for the last section of his CPA exam. So, earlier this week we decided to take a quick "study break" and head over to a fun pumpkin patch! This pumpkin patch had a bunch of goats, cows, & chickens that you could feed. They also had some long horns, stray but super friendly farm kitties, and a donkey. There was also a hay ride we could have taken.... but we opted to save that one for next year. Bree did wonderful, and she especially loved the animals. She just stared & smiled at them. We all had a good time! :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
A year ago today.........
(Side note............ much of what I write on my blog is not only just about my daughter..... but for my daughter. I hope one day she is able to read these entries like a journal. So, if some of these stories bore you or are not of interest to you...... I won't be offended!)
October 27th, 2007 is a day I will never forget! It was the day I found out I was pregnant with our little Aubrey!! I can't believe it has already been one year, but what a year it has been.
Nick & I had been trying to have a baby for 10 months, and although that doesn't sound like forever..... it sure felt like it. I have always, always wanted to be a Mommy. I think I even started getting baby fever in my early 20's. Of course, we weren't ready for a baby then...... I just longed for the day we would be ready.
So, when that time finally came where we were both ready emotionally & financially..... I thought it would just happen right away. Several of my friends got pregnant the first month or two of trying..... and some weren't even trying. I was disappointed the first 2-3 months when it didn't happen, by the 5th or 6th month started getting depressed, and by the 7th & 8th month.... I started thinking that maybe something was wrong. It seemed everywhere I turned someone else was pregnant, and I started wondering if we would ever know that joy. I know many people try for years & years.... and honestly I don't know how they do it. My whole heart goes out to them...... because all I can say is.... it just hurts! You feel defective & abnormal. You want to be happy for everyone around you who is pregnant or has a child...... but it is sort of gut wrenching. And those who are fortunate enough to not experience this..... can never quite understand the tears that flow when you are alone. Or when you get the newest call from a friend saying "I'm pregnant..... or Guess what.... so & so is pregnant now." You smile & say yay for you or them! But smiling when all you want to cry gets harder as the months go by. I hope most of you out there never experience this or understand what I'm talking about! I know some of you are thinking, Allison it was just 10 months..... what are you talking about? It didn't feel like that! It felt like my whole life + 10 months that I was hoping for a child.... our child.
Anyway, we saw a doctor in October 2007, & were going to begin fertility testing in early November. Then on Saturday, October 27th...... all of that changed! I got up early that morning & took a test. I had taken about 183 pregnancy tests at this point (okay maybe not quite that many... but you get the point), and immediately just one line came up. At this point in the game, I had given up on staring at the test for 5-10 minutes at a time ... thinking it would change..... which I did for the first several months. So, I gave the test about a min. & threw it away. Another negative test..... oh well..... ! I crawled back in bed & asked Nick if he ever thought this would happen for us. He, of course, said yes, & that next month would be the month (which my sweet husband always told me). Nick went & got us some yummy & oh so bad for you breakfast at McDonald's. We had a lazy morning, and Nick left around noonish to go get his haircut. I went to the restroom right after he left, and just happened to glance down at the test I took early that morning. But wait.......... what the hell? Something was wrong with it. There was another .... very faint line. Ummm.... what??? No, no, no..... I'm hallucinating, I thought. Don't get your hopes up, don't get your hopes up, I told myself over & over. I text Nick to call me as soon as he was finished.
Nick called about 30 min. later, and I told him was was going on. I told him it was probably nothing, but to please stop & get a couple more tests on his way home. He brought home several digital tests that actually say "pregnant" or "not pregnant". Nick waited in the bathroom with me. The digital hour glass came up telling us to keep waiting. I flipped the test face down on the counter and waited as long as I possibly could before flipping it over (about 5 seconds). As soon as I flipped it over....... it said "PREGNANT"!!! Nick just stared at me.... and I just stared at the test. "What? ........ What?......... Well, what does it say?" Nick was asking. I couldn't speak. I just turned the test towards him. He smiled & hugged me..... and threw in a "I told you it would happen"!!
This is an excerpt from my journal this day, last year.
" Today our prayers, my longing, my ache, my dream came true!! I'm pregnant!!! What? I can hardly believe what I just wrote. This is the best, most special.... & almost unreal day of my life! I am in shock.... praise.... awe....& total bliss. I am completely overwhelmed at a God who has not only answered my greatest longing.... but knew just when to bless us."
October 27th, 2007 is a day I will never forget! It was the day I found out I was pregnant with our little Aubrey!! I can't believe it has already been one year, but what a year it has been.
Nick & I had been trying to have a baby for 10 months, and although that doesn't sound like forever..... it sure felt like it. I have always, always wanted to be a Mommy. I think I even started getting baby fever in my early 20's. Of course, we weren't ready for a baby then...... I just longed for the day we would be ready.
So, when that time finally came where we were both ready emotionally & financially..... I thought it would just happen right away. Several of my friends got pregnant the first month or two of trying..... and some weren't even trying. I was disappointed the first 2-3 months when it didn't happen, by the 5th or 6th month started getting depressed, and by the 7th & 8th month.... I started thinking that maybe something was wrong. It seemed everywhere I turned someone else was pregnant, and I started wondering if we would ever know that joy. I know many people try for years & years.... and honestly I don't know how they do it. My whole heart goes out to them...... because all I can say is.... it just hurts! You feel defective & abnormal. You want to be happy for everyone around you who is pregnant or has a child...... but it is sort of gut wrenching. And those who are fortunate enough to not experience this..... can never quite understand the tears that flow when you are alone. Or when you get the newest call from a friend saying "I'm pregnant..... or Guess what.... so & so is pregnant now." You smile & say yay for you or them! But smiling when all you want to cry gets harder as the months go by. I hope most of you out there never experience this or understand what I'm talking about! I know some of you are thinking, Allison it was just 10 months..... what are you talking about? It didn't feel like that! It felt like my whole life + 10 months that I was hoping for a child.... our child.
Anyway, we saw a doctor in October 2007, & were going to begin fertility testing in early November. Then on Saturday, October 27th...... all of that changed! I got up early that morning & took a test. I had taken about 183 pregnancy tests at this point (okay maybe not quite that many... but you get the point), and immediately just one line came up. At this point in the game, I had given up on staring at the test for 5-10 minutes at a time ... thinking it would change..... which I did for the first several months. So, I gave the test about a min. & threw it away. Another negative test..... oh well..... ! I crawled back in bed & asked Nick if he ever thought this would happen for us. He, of course, said yes, & that next month would be the month (which my sweet husband always told me). Nick went & got us some yummy & oh so bad for you breakfast at McDonald's. We had a lazy morning, and Nick left around noonish to go get his haircut. I went to the restroom right after he left, and just happened to glance down at the test I took early that morning. But wait.......... what the hell? Something was wrong with it. There was another .... very faint line. Ummm.... what??? No, no, no..... I'm hallucinating, I thought. Don't get your hopes up, don't get your hopes up, I told myself over & over. I text Nick to call me as soon as he was finished.
Nick called about 30 min. later, and I told him was was going on. I told him it was probably nothing, but to please stop & get a couple more tests on his way home. He brought home several digital tests that actually say "pregnant" or "not pregnant". Nick waited in the bathroom with me. The digital hour glass came up telling us to keep waiting. I flipped the test face down on the counter and waited as long as I possibly could before flipping it over (about 5 seconds). As soon as I flipped it over....... it said "PREGNANT"!!! Nick just stared at me.... and I just stared at the test. "What? ........ What?......... Well, what does it say?" Nick was asking. I couldn't speak. I just turned the test towards him. He smiled & hugged me..... and threw in a "I told you it would happen"!!
This is an excerpt from my journal this day, last year.
" Today our prayers, my longing, my ache, my dream came true!! I'm pregnant!!! What? I can hardly believe what I just wrote. This is the best, most special.... & almost unreal day of my life! I am in shock.... praise.... awe....& total bliss. I am completely overwhelmed at a God who has not only answered my greatest longing.... but knew just when to bless us."
Here we are just after we took the test:
This strengthened Nick & I. I'm glad we didn't have to wait any longer than we did, but I think I would have waited forever for our Aubrey.... our Bree. She more than we ever prayed for...... she is God's greatest blessing in our lives!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Weekend Update.....
The past several weeks have been soooo busy for us. We have had a bunch of family get together & lots of activities & things to do. Last weekend, my cousin Meridith had a "sip & see" party to introduce her beautiful little girl, Sutton, to friends & family. We had tea, yummy food, and the best cake.
And this weekend, my Dad & Stepmom came into town to meet our little Aubrey. This is their first granddaughter, and they were able to spend some good time with all of us & especially with Bree baby. They drove in from Colorado on Thursday & stayed the weekend. Bree has definitely met sooo many people lately! She has done so well!!
Anyway, here is the last two weekends in pictures.
My Dad & Cathy meeting their Granddaughter for the first time:
And this weekend, my Dad & Stepmom came into town to meet our little Aubrey. This is their first granddaughter, and they were able to spend some good time with all of us & especially with Bree baby. They drove in from Colorado on Thursday & stayed the weekend. Bree has definitely met sooo many people lately! She has done so well!!
Anyway, here is the last two weekends in pictures.
My Dad & Cathy meeting their Granddaughter for the first time:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A favorite poem....
This has always been one of my favorite poems! The older I get the more meaning it has to me. When I doubt myself ... Or when people make me sad, frustratred, or plain bug the tar out of me........ I can sometimes hear the words of this poem in my head. Lately, I've been needing or wanting to read this more often than ever before.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantmentit is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
4 Months Old!!!!!!
My sweet baby girl, today was your 4 month old birthday! I can hardly believe that on this date 4 months ago you were just minutes old. In many ways, it feels like just moments ago you were born, yet, I look at how different life is now that you are here, and I feel as though you have been with us forever. You are God's greatest gift my love! You have learned & grown so much, but you have also taught your Mommy more than you will ever know. You have changed me.... My essence, my soul.... and I will never be the same. When I longed for a child. I longed for you. You my little angel are God's most perfect miracle. I am so proud to be called YOUR mother! I love you Bree!! Happy 4 month birthday my little monkey!!
What Bree baby is doing these days:
-Smiling all the time!!!
- Small giggles
- Talking & cooing 1/2 of the day away
- Rolling from her right side to her back
- She wants to sit up ALL of the time with the help of Mommy or the boppy (she is constantly doing crunches to try & sit up)
- She likes to stand on Mommy & Daddy's lap.... or anywhere where we can hold her up.
- The hands & anything she can put her little hands on.... go strait to the mouth
- Drooling bunches
- Fake coughing
- Laughing at sneezes & coughs
- Trying to grab her toys ... or Momma's hair ;-)
- She can hold her rattle now or other small toys
- She makes Mommy & Daddy fall more & more in love with her everyday!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My BIG Girl............
My itty bitty little bundle of joy........ has ROLLED!! Aubrey rolled from her right side to her back!! I can't believe how quickly she is growing! She is such a big girl! I am so proud of her & excited about all the new & wonderful things she is learning every day..... but it also is going soooo fast!
I'll work on posting a picture or video!
I'll work on posting a picture or video!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekend Review...
This past weekend was a blur of friends, family, and good times! First, a couple of my best girl friends came by to hang out for a little bit & love on Bree! It was Kristy's first time to meet baby Bree, and it was just so good to see her! I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, but we always have a great time whenever we get together!
Here is Kristy & Bree...
Kristy, Bree, & Katy....
Katy laughing at funny Bree baby pictures she took with her phone ;-)
Next, I got the pleasure of baby sitting one of our bestest little friends, Grant! :)
Nick is showing Bree that Grant came over to play (Bailey dog was pretty interested too)...
Another one of the handsome Grant.....
Next, it was my great uncle Menford's 85th birthday on Saturday, and the family had a little party for him on Sunday. He lives in a retirement home in Arlington, and everyone gathered there to honor him! There was cake, ice cream, presents, and some fun family time. For those of you who may not know, my Uncle Menford is my late grandfather's brother.
Here is Bree ready to go the party! :-)
Here are a couple pictures of my grandpa's brother & sisters. Aunt LaVerna, Uncle Menford, and Aunt Evelyn.
Bree & her Great-Great Aunt Evelyn.......
Cousin Dorinda...
Cousin Connie...
Cousin Harold & Cousin Hugh...
Cousin Rachel & our newest cousin Sutton.....
Me, Baby Bree, & Aunt LaVerna.....
AND the newest little addition to the family Sutton Ellen Constant. Sutton is my cousin Meridith's precious little girl. She is just 2 months younger than Bree, and this was the first time the littlest cousins got to meet each other. It so neat to have cousins so close in age, and I'm hoping that Bree & Sutton get to be the bestest of friends!
Now....especially with both of my grandparents gone... it sure feels nice to be around our family. My Mom & I were just saying that being around everyone some how made us still feel close to my Nanny & Papaw (my mom's parents).
Wow..... what a weekend! ;-) We are so blessed to have the most wonderful family & the greatest friends! That is what it is all about after all!! :-)
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