Saturday, July 26, 2008

These are the moments........

These are the moments........

You know how when you try to hold on to a moment,
a look, a feeling so tightly..... it just slips through your hands?
It’s like trying to grasp at air.
Trying to grab & hold the wind in your hand is fleeting,
and in trying to do so...... you loose most of what you were trying to capture.
I feel this way tonight.
I want to breathe in and out so deeply that these moments sink into my bones.
I want these moments of pure love & happiness to resonate in my pours.
I want to be able to capture these moments in my heart.
I want them permanently implanted in a mind,
so that I may call upon them on days that aren’t as bright
& nights that are not so warm.
These moments... these nights of pure routine,
and nights that most consider ordinary..... I have found spectacular.
A night with my family, my husband, my silly dogs,
a warm moon & stars, a cozy home,
a slight breeze on a scorching summers night,
and a daughter that I prayed for my whole life softly sleeping through it all.....
These are the moments I wish would last forever.
Bliss has found me & I wish I could capture it in a jar & keep it with me always.
I will try not to fight & resist & capture the moment as is passes through us.
I will try instead to breath in & out .... and enjoy & savor every moment.
I will thank you Lord!
I thank you for a kind of happiness & purpose I never could have found on my own.
Through You,
Your plans,
and in Your time..........
You have given me so much more than I deserve..... And I thank you!

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