Friday, February 19, 2010

Aubrey is 20 months old!!!

My, my...... it's been quite a while. There is so much to say, so many stories & pictures, and countless updates...... And I'm soooo behind!! So, I will just start with today.


-You are running around & getting more and more brave everyday.
- You are funny & silly. You love to laugh!

- You are still my happy little angel, even though you have slipped into the "terrible two's".
- Your speech is slowly coming, and your little pacifiers are mostly only allowed at night now. Even when you manage to sneak on by me, I've stayed strong & reminded you that you are more than welcome to lay in bed all day with your pacifiers...... but if you want to get out of bed.... they have to stay there. (Mostly, you are okay with this now.)

- You LOVE music. Mommy is now watching my first season of American Idol...... and you my little shadow, love watching it too. We curl up in bed (sometimes Mommy even does breakfast or dinner in bed while we watch our taped show), and you always clap for everyone who sings! You are such a little encourager..... even to those who don't sing so well, you are right there cheering them on!

- You have 4 favorite books that we read constantly.
- You know 5 or 6 colors now, and will always show them to me when I ask ....."where are the pink flowers?" Even though you aren't saying them yet, you sure do know what I'm asking.

- You love, love, love your Bailey dog. Every time we get in bed, you check on him, pat him, and hug him..... both at night & first thing in the morning. It always melts my heart.

- You almost have 16 teeth now! (your working on those stinking eye teeth right now)

- You love baths & even showers sometimes with mommy.

- You love to feed the birds, AIRPLANES, going in the car, avocados, chex mix (but only the chex part), animals, shoes, "organizing" & then re-organizing things, riding in your wagon (I'm sooo ready for warmer days -so we can do this more), the movies Bolt & Monsters Inc, your stuffed animals, gummy snacks, Gatorade, you silly little "baby" sippy cup still, smoothies, playing with your friends, going to the park, people watching, propping up in bed next to me, fluffy pillows, bare feet, pretending, taking pictures, snuggling, telling the dogs what to do, ............ SO MUCH more.... but your waking up from your nap now.... so Mommy will add more later!

Bree, my heart grows everyday..... and just when I think I couldn't possibly love you anymore..... my heart grows again. I love you more than Mommy could ever fully explain. You are my sunshine, my reminder of God & a greater love, and you have forever changed the world......... just by being you!
These pictures were take on one of our very rare warms days lately. This winter has been so cold & has set records for the amount of snowfall. On this day, we asked our precious Bailey dog to go with us. Bree, you were very protective of him (especially now that he is nearly blind) and always told him to sit back down if he stood up & helped him do so. He is your little buddy, your first doggie you will ever have, and I love the way you too love each other! :)